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广州越秀区楼宇经济又一次成功探索 五星级商厦诞生

发表时间: 2022-04-29



On 2, 2017, held the "2017 Gold Card and Star ". Four , China , New City, and were . It is five-star (note: the is in no order).

Five-star are to ; how did five-star come into being? A from the News four five-star , and other , as well as well-known , to the this.

Text/Photo Liu Yun Zhu Yao Yao Cheng Yexi


“通过优惠政策鼓励业主提升自我。” 这是越秀区两年前开展“星商大厦评价”的初衷。

As we all know, since the 1990s, many along the main of , such as Road, Road, Road, and Road, have made to the and of . , with is the of of and space . After more than 20 years of , the of some in have been in use for a long time, or have been idle for a long time. Some low-end that keep up with have led to the of many . The shift of 's core .

"The quo urges us to act." The in of the told .

In 2015, some well-known the to give their from the level. As a , a star-rated with 59 in 6 , , , , , and has been .

Do to find theme

A China

Let the mall a "novel store" for home life



" is to what do not have, and what have, we are ." In years, China has to the call of to " ", and to find well-known and with and brand . here.

Ou often with Hong Kong . He feels that there are many these two . For , there are many old built in the early days, local are , and is goods. "We first focus on the needs of the , and let the mall the of 'novel store' in home life." As for the of "", Ou that China , as a five-star , her It is not to the of the shops, but to bring the of the to the .

B New Town

the "Six Heart Model" to

New Town is for its first-line river view in . The Hotel was once as as the White Swan Hotel. In 2015, with the of Hotel, New Town faded out of the sight of . In March 2017, City New City, once the first-line of , and in an to its .

Chen that this time New Town can stand out among of in and the name of five-star , which is from the "six-heart model" of City .






The of the has been by the . Pearl River twice a year. from the data, can be at more than 98.5% every year. The good has and , , and other 500 and well-known in the .


study ports and

As Le , who in the 1990s, he has a for this that the of Laos and .

"Not long ago, when I in the joint , I found that the of many well-known in are from . As the owner of this , we feel and have a heavy sense of ." Le said, "The of a five-star is to meet the of star-level in all ."

After the , has found the of its core : a study port and an . "We call this the to 'label'. can't speak by , and they need to use '' to tell the world what they do. After the 'Belt and Road' was , from many are in China. By an , on AVIC and has in . Now, more than 20 to have in the .”

Le told that the of "" not only the of in the , but also the for and the of and in the . At , the rate of has 90%.



is also

Xia , a well-known in China's and "the first in China's ", that at , the front-line The of the in the urban areas of and some -tier has the "2.0 era". The most of the in the "2.0 era" are " ", " ” and “ for ”. Today's era is no an era of "what is in the , what is in the mall", "what is in the mall, what can only buy", but the of "you can sell what I need", " " of "you can what I want". In the past, liked to stay in star-rated , but in years, with no star-level but very have very . I think this a trend.


“建筑经济评价体系应该是对多重效益的综合评价。评价一栋建筑的优劣,不仅要看该建筑产生了多少税收,对财政的贡献有多大,还要看建筑的效益如何。楼宇经济的发展,影响着整个城市的品质,它在弘扬城市文化、拉动就业,甚至在承载城市文化、改善生态方面起到了多大的作用,广州民俗金融街就是一个很好的例子,不仅实现了城市文化的延续,也产生了特色街区的经济,也促进了城市街道群生态的改善。” 夏小红说道。


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